Types of drugs


Drugs are divided according to the action they have on the person taking them to the active substance as well. Considering this, they are divided into the following groups:

  • hallucinogenic - The drugs of this group can be divided into three subgroups: psychedelics, dissociative drugs and delirium drugs. As their name just says, all these drugs can cause hallucinations, that is, sensory deception of the eyes, hearing, tiredness (the person sees, hears or feels things that are not real). Such situations can also lead to emotional changes and changes in consciousness - a person can feel intense feelings of fear, discomfort, urge to shout, escape from hallucinations.

This drug group includes the following drugs:

  • PMA
    • cannabis
    • halucinogenic mushrooms ("magic mushrooms")
    • LSD
    • methamphetamine
    • ketamine
    • ecstasy
  • NOVE DROGE - also known as "designer drugs"Or"legal highs", This group includes substances that are not yet listed on the list of illegal substances and are obtained by changing the chemical composition of previously known drugs. New drugs mimic the effects of old drugs such as ecstasy, heroin, and cannabis, but they are often more powerful, more dangerous than old drugs and can cause long-term health and psychological problems for a long time. It is important to emphasize that the fact that these drugs are not prohibited by law does not mean that they are not dangerous - just the opposite, their danger is that their effect and action is not tested and tested and they do not know how they work on people who take them.

Drugs from this group appear in forms plants, tablets, powders, crystals, and can be taken by inhalation, smoking, ingestion, diarrhea and injection. Every week there is a new substance in Europe that is not listed on the list of illegal substances so that the list of drugs belonging to this group is constantly growing.

  • OPIOID - This group includes drugs that contain opium compounds on their own. All drugs of this group act as analgesics - reduce pain and other unpleasant feelings. It is well known that they can cause a feeling of strong euphoria and a generally good feeling of taking. On the other hand, they lead to feelings of morbidity, breathing problems, intense symptoms of abstinence when taking interruptions, and strong physical and psychological dependence.

Given the structure, the drugs of this group are divided as follows:

  • opium compounds (morphine, codeine)
    • polysynthetic opioid (heroin, codeine)
    • fully synthetic opioids, which in their structure have no natural opiate links (fentanyl, methadone, suboxone)
  • Medications against the disease - Like opioids, substances from this group act as analgesics and are used to relieve pain. These drugs do not have opiate compounds in their structure and can therefore be sold without a prescription, but may also cause physical and psychological dependence for long-term use. It is important to know that they are easily available in pharmacies, does not mean that these medications can not have serious health consequences, so it is important that you always adhere to the medical guidelines when taking these medicines.
  • Sedatives - The drugs of this group act as depressants - slow down the central nervous system, resulting in the slowdown of some basic bodily functions (slowing breathing, slowing heartbeats). The person who consumes sedatives will feel calm, relaxed and sleepy. However, long-term use of these drugs may result in increased feelings of anxiety, sleeping problems, loss of appetite, memory problems, and concentration of these psychotic episodes.  

This group includes:

  • cannabis
    • ketamine
    • GHB
    • benzodiazepines
    • alcohol
  • OTAPALA - Vapors, such as adhesives, gases, correctors and markers, are consumed by inhalation. Similar effects like a depressor - slow down the work of the central nervous system, with the addition of feelings of euphoria and dizziness. Long-term use of the solvent can lead to serious problems with the respiratory and digestive system, damage to the brain, kidneys and liver, and immediately taking a person may become faint or feel serious dizziness and inability to coordinate, which is why there is a high risk of accident.
  • sTIMULANTS - Drugs from this group work on people making them more alert, giving them a sense of excess energy. Contrary to the depressor, these drugs accelerate the central nervous system, accelerate heartbeat and breathing. These drugs are used to increase performance in activities such as sports, night outings, working environment, sexual intercourse ...

This group includes the following drugs:

  • caffeine
  • tobacco
  • cocaine
  • speed
  • ecstasy
    • PMA
    • poppers
    • methamphetamine
    • ephedrine
    • anabolic steroids


As part of the "Red Shoe" project, Vida Association employees have been researching the level of knowledge and attitudes of young people about new drugs. The survey included a sample of 486 respondents, mostly students of the University of Rijeka aged 18-26. The questionnaire also explored personal experience with drugs and results of drug use among young people were obtained.

According to research findings, the most consumed drugs are the following (percentages indicate the percentage of respondents who confirmed that they were using the drugs): 

  1. cannabis (58.8%)
  2. ecstasy (14%)
  3. speed (11.9%)
  4. hallucinogenic fungi (8.6%)
  5. poppers (4.1%)
  6. LSD (3.7%)
  7. air fresheners (2.8%)
  8. synthetic cannabinoids (2.7%)
  9. heroin (2.3%)
  10. ketamine (1.2%)

It is also important to note that 40.1% of respondents stated that they had never tried any drugs.