Most commonly used drugs?

Within the project "Red Shoes", employees of the Association of Vida have performed Research levels of knowledge and attitudes of young people about new drugs. The survey included a sample of 486 respondents, mostly students of the University of Rijeka aged 18-26. The questionnaire also explored personal experience with drugs and results of drug use among young people were obtained.

Prema rezultatima istraživanja, 42% ispitanika uopće nikada nije probalo niti jednu drogu. Među ispitanicima koji su probali barem jednu drogu, najčešće korištene su sljedeće supstance:

  1. kanabis (99%)
  2. kokain (28%)
  3. ecstasy (23%)
  4. speed (20%)
  5. halucinogene gljive (15%)
  6. LSD (9%)
  7. poppers (6,5%)
  8. sintetski kanabinoidi (6,5%)
  9. osvježivači zraka (4,3%)
  10. heroin (3,6%)